Perspective is a door to conscious awakening.

So says Bahiyya Amh-Shere, Sage, Wise Woman and Watcher. Ms. Amh-Shere purports that Spirit, fully orbed, and operating through the human experience, creates a magnificent opportunity for emergence into one’s true self – one’s Glorious! Self.

Bahiyya creates a warm, safe, and supportive environment for those journeying, seeking, and wandering. Bahiyya contributes to the Earth by writing, speaking, facilitating workshops, spiritual counseling, and other holistic based practices. Learn more about Bahiyya!

What We Offer


An energetic exchange between like-minded individuals who are willing to say “Yes” to life. Listen today on Apple or Spotify


A deeper exploration into the Yes, into the Self, into Truth! An opportunity to renew and remember.


Listening to the still, small voice.


Holding the light of truth – raising the vibration.

Speaking Invitation

Speaking the truth as an invitation to explore a higher point of view.

What Are People Saying?

Upcoming and Recent Engagements